Category: Environmental Science Curriculum


Document: Abstract:This case explores two-species interactions, especially mutualism, and presents students with a problem, namely, the inconsistent treatment of the concept of mutualism and symbiosis in many textbooks. It begins with a question that students will probably not feel qualified to answer: Is the equation of mutualism and symbiosis in a textbook correct? It then guides students through...

The Fish Kill Mystery

Document: Abstract: In this case study, students speculate on what may have caused a major fish kill in an estuary in North Carolina. In the process, they explore how land runoff and excess nutrients affect aquatic communities, and learn about the complex life cycle of the dinoflagellate Pfiesteria. The case is appropriate for an introductory environmental science course, a general...

I’m Looking Over a White-Striped Clover Case Study

Document: Abstract: This case is an exploration of the process of natural selection using white clover (Trifolium repens) as an example. In general, two forms of white clover can be found around the world in various habitats. One type is able to produce cyanide in its leaves, while the other is not. This variation within the clover species,...
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