Electrical engineer and physicist Clayton W. Bates (1932 – ) worked for several engineering and scientific companies including Varian Associates, AVCO, Sylvania Electric Products, the Ford Instrument Company, and RCA. His projects ranged from low-level light detection and x-ray image intensification to the design of the nuclear reactor controls of the first SEA WOLF, the second atomic powered submarine. Bates spent twenty-two years on the faculty at Stanford University in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering where he helped to organize the Society of Black Scientists and Engineers. He later becane the associate dean for graduate education and research in at Howard University’s College of Engineering, Architecture, and Computer Sciences. Throughout his career, Bates has been committed to increasing the number of African Americans in STEM fields and improving scientific research at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Link: http://www.idvl.org/sciencemakers/Bio3.html