
Mole Calculation Notes and Practice

Document: Science Unit 3 (Revised)-1
Abstract: Unit three is Exploring Change, specifically bonds, energy, and reactions.  The change to be investigated will include indicators of chemical reactions as they relate to chemical bonding and energy changes. Chapters 7 and 8 cover ionic and covalent bonding respectively, while chapters 9 and 19 are the introduction to stoichiometry, chemical reactions. Again, a review of electronegativity helps explain further the reasons for covalent and ionic bonding. As the concept of naming the compounds are also a focus in chapters 7 and 8, organic compounds in terms of nomenclature and covalent bonding is also introduced in chapter 21. Further probing of stoichiometry is included in Chapter 10 as the concept of Avogadro’s number and the mole, empirical, and molecular formulas are introduced. (Glencoe Chemistry, 2008 )

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