
Soapy Water

Document: Soapy Water
Abstract: vYou have been an employee at Schultz-Johnson Water Treatment for seven years but recently promoted to the water treatment cohort.  The cohort is responsible for managing how the waste treatment plant removes environmentally harmful impurities, such as soap from waste water before returning it to the environment.  You’ve recently learned that soap has to react with other substances to be effectively removed from water.  When soap reacts with the other substances a solid called a precipitate forms.  At this point, the precipitate can be filtered from the water.

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**Disclaimer: Sources are listed to provide additional information on related jobs, specialties, and/or industries. Information is provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition.