Category: Assignment Type

Momentum and Impulse Lab

Document: Momentum AND Impulse Lab-1 Abstract: To compare the impulse experienced by an object to the resulting change in momentum of the object. Also, to investigate the effect of three variables (mass, collision time, velocity change) upon the impact force in a collision.

Unit 5 Physics Case Study

Document: unit 5 physics case study hearing_loss Document: unit 5 physics case studycell_phone Abstract: Why does grandpa ignore grandma?-Carla, a first semester graduate student in audiology, has noticed that her grandfather appears to be having trouble hearing what her grandmother says. Other people in the family can’ help but notice it too as it becomes a source of increasing aggravation and...

Gravity Waves Make Tornadoes

Document: Gravity Waves Make Tornadoes Abstract: GrITs stands for Gravity wave Interactions with Tornadoes. “It’s a computer model I developed to study how atmospheric gravity waves interact with severe storms,” says research meteorologist Tim Coleman of the National Space Science and Technology Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Unit 3 Physics Case Study

Document: Unit 3 Physics Case Study Abstract: In this case study, two students have been asked to conduct a “systems analysis” study to determine whether ethanol derived from corn or biodiesel prepared from soybeans is the more energy efficient alternative fuel. The students must investigate the two systems very broadly to determine all energy inputs and outputs. When the corn-to-ethanol system...

The Fender Bender Case Study

Document: The Fender Bender Case Study-6 Abstract: John knew that his parents would be furious when he told them about the fender bender he just got in. But he was convinced that the accident was not his fault. Can John’s experiment prove to his dad that he was not to blame for the fender bender?

Motion Unit 1 Case Study

Document: Unit 1 Motion Abstract: Section 1 of this unit introduces students to the topic of motion in one and two dimensions. All motion must be compared to a frame of reference. After learning the difference between vector and scalar quantities, the students will learn about how to describe the motion of an object in terms of its position, velocity,...

Designing a Solar Environmental Home

Document: ScienceUnit2Template-Forces-1 Abstract:  This unit provides the students with an opportunity to develop an understanding of the physical ideas and concepts that were developed during the seventeenth century by Sir Isaac Newton.  Throughout the unit the students are constantly asked to explain familiar phenomena and situations by utilizing the concepts of force, momentum, work, mass, acceleration, and velocity.
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**Disclaimer: Sources are listed to provide additional information on related jobs, specialties, and/or industries. Information is provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition.