Tag: Certification Available

Farm and Ranch Manager

Plan, direct, or coordinate the management or operation of farms, ranches, greenhouses, aquacultural operations, nurseries, timber tracts, or other agricultural establishments. May hire, train, or supervise farm workers or contract for services to carry out the day-to-day activities of the managed operation. May engage in or supervise planting, cultivating, harvesting, financial, or marketing activities. Link: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/11-9013.02 Your browser does not...

Fish and Game Warden

Patrol assigned area to prevent fish and game law violations. Investigate reports of damage to crops or property by wildlife. Compile biological data. Link: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/33-3031.00 Your browser does not support the video tag.

Dietetic Technicians

Assist in the provision of food service and nutritional programs, under the supervision of a dietitian. May plan and produce meals based on established guidelines, teach principles of food and nutrition, or counsel individuals. Link: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/29-2051.00 Your browser does not support the video tag.

Dietitians and Nutritionists

Plan and conduct food service or nutritional programs to assist in the promotion of health and control of disease. May supervise activities of a department providing quantity food services, counsel individuals, or conduct nutritional research. Link: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/29-1031.00 Your browser does not support the video tag.

Environmental Restoration Planners

Collaborate with field and biology staff to oversee the implementation of restoration projects and to develop new products. Process and synthesize complex scientific data into practical strategies for restoration, monitoring or management. Link: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/19-2041.02 Your browser does not support the video tag.

Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including Health

Perform laboratory and field tests to monitor the environment and investigate sources of pollution, including those that affect health, under the direction of an environmental scientist, engineer, or other specialist. May collect samples of gases, soil, water, and other materials for testing. Link: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/19-4091.00 Your browser does not support the video tag.


Investigate and describe the determinants and distribution of disease, disability, or health outcomes. May develop the means for prevention and control. Link: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/19-1041.00 Your browser does not support the video tag.
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**Disclaimer: Sources are listed to provide additional information on related jobs, specialties, and/or industries. Information is provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition.