Tag: Teaches About STEM Jobs

Balloon Rocket Lab-Newton 3rd

Document: sub-atomic skittles Abstract: During this activity you and your lab group will be given a set of “oversized atoms” big enough to crack open and look inside. For each atom you must count up the different sub-atomic particles and fill in the information in the boxes below. You must use your reference tables and the key below to identify the...

Unit 7 – Section D: Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Charts

Document: Teacher Materials – Unit 7 Unit 7- Advanced Quantitative Reasoning- This unit focuses on the creation of models that represent real-world contexts involving networks and graphs and the use of these networks and graphs to investigate real-world scheduling problems. In this unit, students extend their ability to solve abstract and concrete problems.  

Unit 7 – Section C: Graph Coloring

Document: Teacher Materials – Unit 7 Abstract: This unit focuses on the creation of models that represent real-world contexts involving networks and graphs and the use of these networks and graphs to investigate real-world scheduling problems. In this unit, students extend their ability to solve abstract and concrete problems.

Unit 7 – Section B: Spanning Trees

Document: Teacher Materials – Unit 7 Abstract: Advanced Quantitative Reasoning- This unit focuses on the creation of models that represent real-world contexts involving networks and graphs and the use of these networks and graphs to investigate real-world scheduling problems. In this unit, students extend their ability to solve abstract and concrete problems.

Unit 7 – Section A: Circuits, Paths, and Graph Structures

Document: Teacher Materials – Unit 7 Abstract: Advanced Quantitative Reasoning- This unit focuses on the creation of models that represent real-world contexts involving networks and graphs and the use of these networks and graphs to investigate real-world scheduling problems. In this unit, students extend their ability to solve abstract and concrete problems.  

Unit 6 – Section D: Using Credit

Document: Teacher Materials – Unit 6 Abstract: Unit 6- Decision Making in Finance- This unit focuses on the financial decisions that surround borrowing, loaning, and investing money and how the time value of money affects such decisions. While some of these topics may be familiar to teachers and students, the mathematics behind them can be challenging. Thus, these contexts provide rich...
STEM Resources
STEM Careers
**Disclaimer: Sources are listed to provide additional information on related jobs, specialties, and/or industries. Information is provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition.